"The work of the artist is no light matter. Few have the courage and stamina to see it through. You have to make up your mind to be alone in many ways. We like sympathy and we like to be in company. It is easier than going it alone but alone one gets acquainted with himself, grows up and on, not stopping with the crowd. It costs to do this. If you succeed you may have to pay for it as well as enjoy it all your life. You can do anything you want to do. What is rare is actually wanting to do a specific thing. Wanting it so much you are practically blind to all other things, so that nothing else will satisfy you. There is reason for you to give this statement some of your best thought. You may find that this is just what is the matter with most of the people in the world; that few are really wanting what they think they want and that most people go through their lives without ever doing one whole thing they really want to do."- Robert Henri

Thursday, December 24, 2009

This Section I created is simply to document my thoughts and personal battles
at the exact time and moments that they occur.  Why would I make this section you ask?
Well it's simple, tomorrow is never promised for anyone.  I could likely lose my life today or tomorrow, no one knows.  Documenting my thoughts that directly relate to my artwork and/or are influenced and have influence on my art is my inner story..only translated in words as opposed to my life,history and everything else which is translated through my art.  Take from this as you see fit.  If it helps you grow, it was meant to help you grow.  If it sparks a flame, as I type this I do so with the intention of sparking a flame in you, just as people have sparked my own flame.


"Songs with words can often be misleading, which is why i usually listen instrumentals when I create. It allows self discovery rather than someone leading you down a predestined path in their own lyrics. The music ittself will help me find my own way on the canvas"

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2009: 2:00AM


-"Neither hero or villain.  He saves lives and hearts, but at the same time, won't hesitate to break a heart if needed.  He doesn't take lives though. Everything around him changes from black & white to color and occasionally it flips.  He is the color and everything else is black and white.  The color always remaining vibrant and fast paced while the black and white always remains almost frozen in time.  Right now I'm black and white..until I get back to the blue zone..Neptune, my zone.  The only way there is through the canvas.  But timing is important. God will tell me when it's time to flip the switch again, and the time is near...it's moments away.  And at that exact moment I won't hesitate.  And the color will return."


 2:11AM  -"Family can be the most uplifting people in your life, but at the same time they inevitably are the least likely to truly understand you.  You can be loved up and down and encouraged to no end.  And in the midst of it, everyone will feel in some way that they ultimately created you.  The line gets drawn there.  Family thats known you since your daiper days and seen you make mistakes and seen the stages you've gone through only to use all of that to remind you of what you were.  All the while hoping to see you grow, but nonetheless constantly subconsciously holding you down because there is something about you that can't be pinpointed. *Too deep? I'll go further* We fight the fight of being who we are, changes and all. Fighting against our past and against the false pretenses made against us, and against what people say you are and aren't.  But I say this, it does not matter to me that I grew up where I grew up or if I had grown up somewhere else.  I don't compare myself to anyone because none of us chose where we wanted to be born.  My past may have cultivated my present but it never will control or determine my future.  People are always so quick to belittle one another for the sake of what? Everyone has their own reasons so it would be a waste of time to even try to understand why friends or family would want to hold something over your head.  Everyone "thinks" they know you...they know things you've done, they know choices you've made, places you've been etc.  But do not be fooled by what you think you know.  I am not what you "think".  To you, I'm what you've made me in your own mind, and so that is all you see.  But no..there's much more than meets the eye."

MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2009: 12:36AM

"Don't be afraid to erase or start completely over.  Art is just like life, your not always going to get the outcome you want the first time around.  If you know you want something to be a certain way then make it that way.  You don't "always" have to accept things for what they appear to be.  There is no definite ending to a piece, it can change, morph, and go from one concept to a completely different one.  Nothings set in stone.  So don't be afraid to make mistakes.  Just be open to grow from them." 

MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 2010: 7:28PM

"As an artist, we can never allow ourselves not even for a moment, to think that we've "arrived" or made it."






"Don't allow anyone or anything cause you to be stagnant. Move up, move forward. Keep your head up and stay true"

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